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Animal Farm Vocabulary A Comprehensive Guide

Animal Farm Vocabulary: A Comprehensive Guide


George Orwell's Animal Farm is a classic work of literature that explores themes of revolution, power, and oppression. To fully understand the novel's complex language and symbolism, it is essential to grasp the key terms and vocabulary used throughout the text.

Chapter 1 Vocabulary

Arbitrary: Based on whim or personal preference, rather than logic or reason.

Belligerent: Inclined to engage in quarrels or disputes.

Capitulation: The act of surrendering or giving up.

Confrontation: A direct encounter or opposition between two parties.

Conniving: Cunning and deceitful in pursuing one's own interests.

Despotism: A government or system where one person has absolute power.

Erudite: Having or showing great knowledge or learning.

Exhort: To strongly urge or encourage someone to do something.

Additional Chapter Vocabulary

Oligarchy: A government or system where a small group of people has all the power.

Pacifist: A person who opposes war or violence and advocates for peace.

Proletariat: The working class or lower economic class in a society.

Rhetoric: The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing.

Societies: A group of people who share a common culture and way of life.

Totalitarianism: A government or system where the state has complete control over every aspect of society.

Utopia: A place or situation that is ideally perfect in every way.
