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Cold Chisel Song Flame Trees


Flame Trees: A Timeless Anthem from Cold Chisel

A Lyric Analysis

The Heartfelt Melody and Stirring Lyrics

Cold Chisel's iconic song, "Flame Trees," has captivated the hearts of Australians and beyond for decades. Its emotive lyrics, penned by Don Walker, are a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the ephemeral nature of life.

The song begins with a nostalgic recollection of a childhood memory: "In a small town, by a river..." The speaker reminisces about the time he met his beloved under a flame tree, its "copper colors" and "crimson red" symbolizing their budding romance.

As the song progresses, the mood shifts to one of heartbreak and longing. The speaker mourns the loss of his loved one, whose "footsteps" are now "distant bells." The chorus, "Flame trees ablaze in the wintertime," becomes a metaphor for the bittersweet memories that linger despite the passage of time.

